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Monday, 12 November 2012

Will Google+ Ever Rival Facebook?


Will Google+ Ever Rival Facebook?

The answer is a big YESHistory is set to repeat itself. MySpace was the leading social media site before Facebook took over. And now Facebook is the leading social networking site with nearly 1 billion users. However, just like millions of users migrated from MySpace to Facebook, Google+ is already poised to aggressively compete with Facebook and attract a huge social networking crowd. Please read on to find out how this is set to take place.

will Google+ ever rival Facebook,google plus,google+ vs facebook

Here are 5 good reasons why Google+ will rival Facebook in the near future:

1. Circles More Closely Resemble Real Life

Google+ offers a ‘Circles’ system to organize our relationships. This system is more natural and is easier to understand. It beats the Facebook concept of groups hands down. Google+ is also better for content aggregation and collaboration.

2. Google Has Several Existing Well Patronized Products

This is by far the greatest advantage that Google+ will have over Facebook in the near future. Google+ has been well incorporated into almost all existing Google products. This makes it easy and more natural to network effectively while using any of Google’s many popular free services like Search, Docs, Gmail, YouTube, Chrome etc. Even on your phone the Google+ App makes it easy, for Android users to upload photographs you take with your mobile phone to Google+ servers. Google will however have to integrate Google+ more tightly into all its existing services for it to quickly convert a lot of Facebookers to its fold.

3. Better Approach to Data Privacy

The media is agog with reports on Facebook’s poor management and protection of personal data. Facebook makes a number personal data items public by default. So it can target them for advert revenue. Many people will therefore see the fact that Google+ handles data privacy more discreetly as reason to switch over to Google+

4. Data Can Easily Be Transferred Out

If you decide to quit Facebook, you will not be able to totally delete some of the personal data that has been stored on their servers. With Google+ you can easily permanently extract all your data and photos using Google Takeout. This is just another proof of the fact that Google respects the privacy of its subscribers and is ready to protect it.

5. Google’s Need for Personal Information

Facebook is not immune to the quick shifts in the tastes of social networkers. However Google will have to use its current strengths online and on the mobile platform to attract many more loyalists. It must promote its powerful features such as Hangouts to a lot of small businesses. Google also needs to invest more to promote Google+ rather than just let grow naturally. Google needs to get all the personal information and preferences, being released daily on Facebook , for increased advertising income. This will definitely compel it to compete more aggressively.
Here is  video on what is Google+ and do we need it by Epipheo

These are some of the major reasons why I believe that Google+ will rival Facebook in the near future. Do you use Google+? What don’t you like about Facebook? Do you have any strong reasons why you may consider shifting permanently from Facebook to Google+? Share your opinion in the comment section, we would love to read your comments on this topic.
Written by Talia G – Edited by Mudassir Ahmed
This is a guest post by Talia G. Talia G is a writer for Ukritic. Take a look at the site if you want to learn more about earning money and the endless possibility of Ukritic ventures.


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