Monday, 3 December 2012

HTC releases Droid DNA source code


HTC releases Droid DNA source code

HTC has been supporting the hacking and modding communities for quite some time now, releasing source codes for its devices soon after they’ve been launched. Their latest gig is the Droid DNA kernel source code, which will allow developers to more easily make custom ROMs. Not that something’s inherently wrong with HTC’s Sense UI, it’s just that some folks prefer their own software (rather than using the one provided by handset makers).
The code, based on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, is available for download from the official HTCDev site. What’s strange about it is that it’s a smaller download (102MB) than source of the One X+ (117MB). The “strange” part comes from the fact that the DNA is a better device, boasting 2GB of RAM and a better 5-inch 1080p screen. All I can think of is that Nvidia’s Tegra 3 chip found inside the One X+ may require additional lines of code… though I’m not sure…


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