Sunday, 24 March 2013

Lenovo’s CEO Is Open To The Idea Of Buying Blackberry


Lenovo’s CEO Is Open To The Idea Of Buying Blackberry

Before the release of Blackberry 10 and its accompanying device, the Blackberry Z10, many wondered about the fate of Blackberry (formerly known as RIM). There were many rumors at that time that Blackberry could either sell themselves to another company, license out the Blackberry operating system, or at the very least sell off its Blackberry arm and keeping the rest of the company intact. While it’s still too early to tell if Blackberry 10 will be enough to bring Blackberry back to its glory days, it has been reported that Lenovo could be interested in buying Blackberry, or at the very least is open to the idea.

According to a report by Bloomberg, the stock price of Blackberry made a pretty big jump after the news. The publication claims that a comment by Lenovo’s CEO, Yuanqing, was made to French newspaper Les Echos, stating that the purchase of Blackberry would be possible, although Lenovo would first have to analyze the market in order to understand the importance of the company. Whether this was a comment made in passing, or if there is some serious weight behind it remains unknown, but what do you guys think?


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