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Monday, 12 November 2012

Tips on Increasing Website Traffic through Google Images


Tips on Increasing Website Traffic through Google Images

What do you usually do whenever you spot a great photo in search results? Do you download and save it on your computer or do you click on the site that has uploaded it? If you do, imagine your readers clicking on the pictures, which your domain ranks for. This is a good way of increasing website traffic through Google Images.
As for me, I do both. I love browsing the Web for cool pictures of just about anything, from chocolate cupcakes to fashionable dresses. If I see an amazing image, I immediately download it on my laptop. Then, I check out the site that hosts it to find out if it offers other quality photos. I also go over the content if the title looks promising.
increasing website traffic through google images
Why am I telling you this?
I am not the only person who likes to do these things. Several users out there look for photos too and if they come across one they like, they may just access the site that owns it.
So what does this have to do with you then? If you have a website, you can benefit greatly from these individuals.
“How?”, you may wonder. You can boost your site’s visibility.

How Do You Get Targeted Traffic From Images?

A user once posted this question as a comment to my blog post. He wanted to find out how I was able to determine if the stream of people coming in my site was indeed relevant.
I told the person that the traffic I get from such results is generally targeted since most users’ searches are specific. If, for example, I have a photo of a black dress and I optimise it properly, it can rank high for keywords I am using. And if these people visit my website, this is when I obtain quality traffic.

You Can Benefit From Google Image Search

increasing website traffic through google images
Given that insight, it goes to show that you can increase the number of users visiting your site by adding your pages with photos.
As a note though, you do not just put any pictures. You must choose those with high quality and relevancy to your topic. Other than that, you need to apply the following tips:

Place The Right Photos

Assuming that you are writing about enjoying a holiday cruise in the Caribbean but the images show snow-capped mountains and chalets. Do you think there is a connection here?
Obviously, the answer is no. And if you insist on doing this repeatedly, you may lose some of your readers’ interest as well as your credibility. They may even deem you incapable of providing valuable information.
If you don’t want this to happen, always choose your photos carefully. Before you add them, don’t forget the next ideas.

Incorporate Keywords

Where? In strategic places like the following:
  1. Filename – Change those series of digits with something more concise and descriptive. Maybe you can use Caribbean-sailing-holiday.jpg (note the jpg, which is the recommended extension) for a photo of your trip to the destination.
  2. Alttag – Also called alternative text, you need this so that the search bots can index and crawl your images for related terms. You also require this as a code for screen readers to help the software interpret pictures’ content for the sake of visually impaired users.
  3. Caption – You can choose to skip this aspect. But, personally, I prefer photos with descriptions. This is why I never forget to place one for my own images.

Show Your Creativity

Hmm, does this tip seem tricky? How can you be artistic with your photos?
Well, don’t just settle on boring ones. You can use comic strips, Instagram or Photoshop-edited pictures, or adorable stick figures. However, make sure that they are appropriate for the topic.
Remember, it is all up to you to make your site content interesting. So don’t be afraid to experiment and express your individuality through your work.

Final Thoughts

Do you think these strategies will work for you? You will never know unless you try, right?
So, what is your experience with Google Images? We would like to know what you have to say.
About the Author: Emma Tomlinson is the Head of Retail at Smart Traffic, an SEO reseller UK company that also offers marketing consultancy and search solutions.


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