Top 5 SEO Tricks
Before you begin any new website or blog you first need to think about SEO; because, without it there’s no way you could be successful. Gaining the recognition of the top search engines should always be your top priority as they’re going to be the main source of your traffic and probably sales.
So, here’s what you need to do from the very beginning if you want to stay on top right from the start:
• Never Forget about SEO
If you’re new to this field, before you begin make it a point to go through the TOS of different search engines so as to make sure you’re not going against their basic rules (Also known as Black hat SEO techniques). This is really important because you’d also learn a bit on the functioning of the particular search engines and therefore be able to fine tune your website to rank high on them.
• Write High Quality Content
Even if you own an e-commerce site, you would need to have high quality and unique articles that also contain keywords in them. Search engines wouldn’t know what you’re selling unless they read some text on your site and therefore it is really important that you have text to deliver this message.
• Organize your website well
Most search engines need you to submit a sitemap to them and therefore it would be wise if you organize your website well. It’s not just that; in order to reduce the overall bounce rate, you need to make sure that your visitors find what they need really fast. Stats have shown that if people don’t get what they need within three clicks you would lose the visitor.
Interlink your content. Creating interlinks within different pages on your website is not just good for SEO, it would also get your visitors to be more active and hence the probability that you would make a sale would increase.
• Pick your keyword well
When picking keywords, you would need to focus on some that are easy to rank for whereas others that are related to your business but not that easy to rank well for. You need to do this because the lower competition keywords would get some initial traffic to your website whereas in the course of time your website would grow strong and rank better for the higher competition keywords as well. There are plenty of tools such as the Google AdWords free keyword research tool to help you out here.
• Create good back links
Getting backlinks to your website and individual pages is really important as it would help them rank higher in search engines and at the same time increase the page rank of your website. The higher your websites Page rank the faster it would be crawled by search engines and therefore new pages would be listed really fast. But, only get high quality links and don’t waste time posting comments and forum posts just to get a link back. They could be detrimental in some cases.
Have any SEO tricks? Do share them in the comment section, we would love to hear from you.
Written by Abhishek – Edited by Mudassir Ahmed
This is a guest post by Abhishek. He is an internet marketing consultant and specializes in off page SEO. In last 6 years he has worked on over 80 projects delivering exceptional services to SEO firm and retail clients around the world.
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